
  • 建筑类型: 办公建筑
  • 建筑规模:1300㎡
  • 设计内容: 室内方案设计、室内施工图设计、室...
  • 项目地点:广东 深圳
  • 设计周期: 2018 -2019

 项目名称Entry name:Honhai创投
设计团队Design team:中卓设计
材料说明Material description:大理石 香槟不锈钢 夹丝玻璃
项目位置Project location:深圳
Design can shape and guide people's behavior, but also create a sense of identity and belonging. Functional areas in the integration of relatively independent, convenient communication and cooperation values and the use of functional needs, creativity, fashion, art, is particularly important in the current creative office space.