
项目地点: 陕西 西安 




设计团队:李凤禹 / 张爽 / 王洁新 / 王亚楠 / 周苏龙 / 王雯


西咸新区地铁五号线二期工程全长约 21.2 公里,是西咸新区计划建设的第一条城市轨道交通线路。轨道沿线土地利用规划针对轨道沿线及站点周边的用地功能、用地规模、开发强度、交通组织提出具体技术要求,为轨道沿线各片区后期编制控制性详细规划和项目开发提供指引和建议。


项目团队依据“轨道沿线协调发展、落实 TOD 模式、可持续发展、高效集约、再生文化遗产、协调联动”六大原则,针对轨道沿线以及站点周边 500m 范围用地、道路交通衔接,容积率控制,地下空间开发等方面提出规划优化建议,并针对后期轨道交通建设运营提出轨道线路与站点周边土地一体化开发的发展策略,为后期五号线二期工程建设运营提供经济支撑。


The second phase of Metro line 5, with about 21.2 km2, is the first urban rail transition line in this district. The land use plan along the metro line, especially designed from the site function, scale, development intensity, traffic organization, put forward specific technical requirements in order to provide guidance and advice for late preparation of controlled detailed planning and project development.


Based on principles of coordination development of regional planning along the track, implement TOD mode, sustainable development, intensive and highly efficient way, regeneration cultural heritage and coordinate linkage, the project team focus on the track and around the site of a range of 500m land to give optimized plan suggestions by mixed function, road traffic connection, volume control, and underground space development. We also provide some development strategies both on the following step of the rail traffic operation and integration development, which could supply an economic support for the construction and operation of the second phase project of metro line 5 in the future.

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